It will be a long journey; I will walk with you.
-K9 Service Dog

Tess has changed my life.  Before I had Tess my social anxiety was so bad that I would not leave my house and I didn’t really feel like living . Now with Tess I am able to go places even very crowded places and life is worth living and I am much happier now that I have Tess. I can go to the grocery store, restaurants, and the mall all I could not do prior to tess. I have even been able to go to the PBR bull and I am also able to go to other events such as the monster truck show.I have had less panic attacks and I get better sleep with her laying next to me Tess needing me has helped my depression because she depends on me and I have to get up to walk her. She helps with my medical problems because I use her for stability and momentum. Tess’s training is never ending which is good because I have fun when we are training. Her tasks are back where she is watching my back and I can feel her move so I know when someone is behind me she knows pressure which helps with my panic attacks and heart rate. If she knows someone and we are let’s say at a store I can tell her to find them because it causes me anxiety when we get seperated.

I had been struggling mentally and physically for going on 3 years when I came across Liberty for All SD. I had a spinal accident and was dealing with stability issues and severe depression from losing my livelihood. The second I saw Dragos, I knew he was exactly what I needed to live. He was very well trained for PTSD, psychological, mobility and stability. He has kept me from falling more times than I can count. He helps me up when I need. He helps me with my depression and anxiety on a daily basis. Not only in public areas but at home as well. He puts the vest on, it’s all business but at home he’s goofy and keeps me laughing. I can’t imagine my life without him. Thanks to Liberty for All, Dragos has given me my independence back.

 Liberty for All Service Dogs has been a blessing for my daughter and to our family. My daughter is 17 with Autism and severe anxiety disorder. We found Liberty for All Service Dogs when she was 16 and was struggling with Selective Mutism. She went completely mute for an entire year and Liberty for All Service Dogs matched her with a Bernadoodle, that was the most loving dog to my daughter and help calm her anxiety by doing deep pressure therapy. Within a few months of her having her dog and working with him she started talking again. But my daughter needed a dog that was more confident while at school and in public to help with her anxiety. As soon as they noticed the first dog was showing a sign of anxiety in public, they were quick to pair my daughter with another dog. She is now working with a Labradoodle that not only is cuddly but also is confident at school and in public. Liberty For All Service Dogs is great to work with and does an amazing job at supporting our family. 

Liberty for all has truly changed my life before I got my service dog from y’all my life was very hard I was very depressed. I was scared to leave the house amongst other things now liberty for all has blessed me with the most amazing service, dog diesel and I feel like I can finally live my life again, he protects me in public keeps me calm safe lets me know when things aren’t right even at home he can tell I’m not having a great day. I truly don’t know where I would be without the help of liberty for all and the wonderful blessing of having diesel.

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